Using Opera for Magnet and Cavity Design |
S/W | OPERA | 등록일 | 2020.05.20 | 조회수 | 2106 |
첨부파일 | UsingOperaforMagnetandCavityDesign.pdf |
Using Opera for Magnet and Cavity Design
Magnetostatic : static magnetic field analysis
Electrostatic : static electric field analysis
Charged Particle : space charge analysis
QUENCH : superconducting quench analysis
Harmonic EM : harmonic time varying EM field analysis
Transient EM : transient time varying EM field analysis
Motional EM : rotating & linear machine analysis
Thermal : static and transient thermal analysis
HF : modal and harmonic high frequency analysis
Stress : modal and static stress analysis
이전글 | 유한요소법의 기초와 전자파 해석의 응용 |
다음글 | Thermal Analysis 예제 |